Public Sans font pairing with Cy Grotesk

Examples of websites using Public Sans (designed by USWDS, Dan Williams, Pablo Impallari and Rodrigo Fuenzalida) with Cy Grotesk (Cy Grotesk is the result of combining the clear forms of mid 20th-century European neo-grotesks and the expressiveness of the 19th-century grotesques. It is display typeface with an eccentric character and a special rhythm. Symbols have sharp long angled spurs and large wedge incision between the bowl and the stem, diluting it with smooth curves and the tight aperture. Built like a multifunctional workhorse that has a wide range of font uses. This type family consists of 27 styles that are adjustable in weight and width. Or one variable font with 2 axes. From pure thin to radically black. From roomy key to catchy grand. All styles include an extended set of Latin characters and a basic Cyrillic)

Public Sans + Cy Grotesk website examples