Inter is a sans-serif font designed by Rasmus Andersson in 2016. It is a versatile font family that consists of 18 styles, including regular and italic variations, with a focus on legibility and readability.
Poppins is a sans-serif font designed by Jonny Pinhorn, Ninad Kale, and Indian Type Foundry in 2015. The font family features a wide range of styles, including regular, medium, bold, and black, each with matching italics.
DM Sans is a versatile sans-serif font designed by Colophon Foundry, Jonny Pinhorn, and Indian Type Foundry. The font family consists of multiple styles, including regular and italics, with a wide range of weights available.
Mulish is a sans-serif font designed by Vernon Adams, Cyreal, and Jacques Le Bailly. The family is available in multiple styles, including regular, italic, bold, and bold italic.
Work Sans is a sans-serif font designed by Wei Huang. It features a modern and clean design, and offers a range of styles including regular, italic, bold, and bold italic.
Rubik is a sans-serif font designed by Hubert and Fischer, Meir Sadan, Cyreal. The family consists of multiple styles, including regular and italic versions, available in various weights.
Space Mono is a monospaced font designed by Colophon. It offers a variety of styles and weights, providing a range of options for precise and consistent typography.
Syne is a sans-serif font designed by Bonjour Monde and Lucas Descroix. The font offers a total of 18 styles, including regular, italic, and semi-bold weights.
Tenor Sans is a sans-serif font designed by Denis Masharov and published through Lettersoup. The design is characterized by its clean and modern aesthetic, with a focus on legibility and versatility. The family is available in multiple weights and styles, including condensed, regular, and extended widths.
Cormorant Garamond is a serif font designed by Christian Thalmann, inspired by the classical Garamond typography. The family includes regular, italic, bold, and bold italic styles, offering a total of 8 individual styles.
Barlow is a sans-serif font designed by Jeremy Tribby. It is available in a range of weights and styles, including regular, italic, bold, and bold italic.
IBM Plex Sans is a Sans Serif font designed by Mike Abbink of Bold Monday. The font family consists of multiple styles and variations, including regular and italics, and is available in a range of weights.
IBM Plex Mono is a monospaced font designed by Mike Abbink of Bold Monday. The font is available in multiple styles, including regular, light, medium, semibold, bold, and extrabold.
Raleway is a sans-serif font designed by Multiple Designers. The family features a clean and elegant design with high legibility. It has multiple styles available, including regular, italic, bold, and bold italic.
'Oswald' is a sans-serif font designed by Vernon Adams, Kalapi Gajjar, and Cyreal. It features a tall and condensed design with strong geometric forms. There are multiple styles available in this font family.
EB Garamond is a serif font designed by Georg Duffner. It features a classic and elegant design reminiscent of the original Garamond font. The font family is available in multiple styles including regular, italic, bold, and bold italic.
Bebas Neue is a sans-serif font designed by Ryoichi Tsunekawa. The font family comes in a single style, with a total of ten weights ranging from ExtraLight to Black, each with matching italics.