“Be helpful.”

Some of us are born to help. Some of us need a little inspiration. Here you’ll find something for both.

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Being helpful isn’t just an act. It’s an attitude

We set out to look for helpfulness in the world and were amazed at the stories we found. Because being helpful might sound simple, but it’s actually badass. And god knows the world could always use more helpful badasses.

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  1. Golden Age

    Short film

    A high school student helps a group of senior citizens get through a vulnerable time — by teaching them karate.

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  2. Eric and the

    Short film

    Beekeeping is a lifesaving form of therapy for Eric Grandon, who was on the verge of suicide before he discovered it four years ago.

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  3. The Winter

    Photo story

    Wolfgang Palme has a mission to change society through gardening — a future for farming where crops are grown regionally, throughout the four seasons, and with the smallest carbon footprint possible.

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  4. The Fantastic

    Photo story

    For the past few years, this group of snorkeling seniors has fearlessly tracked greater sea snakes for the sake of scientific research.

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  5. All Around

    Photo story

    Two former inmates started a business to reduce forest-fire risk, but they have a deeper commitment: to help end recidivism.

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